
Sunday, March 10, 2013

Journey Driven by my Passion

The lesson for the week has provided me with a better understanding of how action research can be used in a school setting. I feel better prepared to conduct a successful action research study. There is so much work involved but the end result will be worth the long hours. The topic, being relatable,  is of the utmost importance.  What I put into this action research experience is exactly what my students, my colleagues, my supervisor and I will gain and benefit from. I want to learn everything I can so that I will one day be an effective leader.  I have begun my journey and I will succeed! I will lead by being direct and building on trust and manage by having high expectations.
The issue of bullying in schools is a pressing issue in our schools today. We all know that it has happened for many years and it has been pushed aside or quieted down for whatever reason. I know first hand the feelings of being bullied, so I feel that since I have been asked to implement the anti-bullying program, Project Wisdom, within my school, then who better to take the issue by the horn. I want to effectively implement the program and survey all necessary parties to change the negative attitude to create a positive and safe learning environment! If my students feel safe then attendance will increase and learning in the classrooms will be evident through student's reaching their learning potentials.
There are so many aspects of interest, such as staff & curriculum development, leadership, management, school performance, social justice or equity issues, but choice is in school culture/community because this can affect all other aspects. Positivity within the school can lead to positivity in the home/community! It is our jobs as educators, leaders to do our very best to create strong, positive, empathetic and intelligent students so that they may one day grow up to be productive citizens. That is what I feel so strongly in my heart because of my experiences growing up. Agree with me or not? My action research journey has a purpose!

Stop Being a Bully Bystander! Get on the Bus and Blow the Whistle on School Bullying!

Bully image is © abitosunshine.
All Rights Reserved.
Despite anti-bullying policies in schools, bullying is rampant on school playgrounds, on school buses, school hallways and cafeterias, and even in the classrooms. It is time we stop being a bully bystander; it is time we get on the bus and blow the whistle on school bullying.

Parents, teachers, school administrators, and students are equally responsible for putting the brakes on bullying in schools. It is a matter of moral (if not legal) accountability.

School bullying is not a spectator sport. If you are present when bullying is taking place then you are involved.

There is no such thing as innocent bystanders when abuse is occurring, and—make no mistake—school bullying is a form of abuse.

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