
Friday, March 29, 2013

Action Research Reflection

After many long nights of watching videos, reading the required Dana text and Harris et al. text, web conferences and blogging, I can honestly say that I have gained a vast amount of knowledge. I have also gained a familiarity with blogging and how helpful it is with collaborating, learning and growing from the comments and suggestions by my peers. The networking experience has been enlightening, encouraging and very motivating. I truly believe that the key to success is collaborating and sharing ideas with others and learning from others ideas as well.
The one area I would like to become more familiar with is how to sustain the development of school leaders. It's an important issue because I don't want to ever become the type of leader who pretends "to know all." (Dana, p.186) To continue to build knowledge in this area, I will look for resources for helpful information, use daily reflections and engage in plenty of inquiry because one day I want to be a role model that displays what is expected of teachers and students. My journey is leading me to change and improvement.

The time and attention you dedicate to a project will determine its success and if you collaborate and share your ideas with others, then others will do the same leading to growth and learning for All! Thank you All who shared with me and helped with MY growth and learning!

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