
Friday, March 15, 2013

Action Research Plan

After a long and confusing week I am finally ready to post my action research plan. I am also posting my research project overview. With all the reading that I did for this week's assignment, the Dana text, Harris text, example of student use of cell phones and the videos, I think I pretty much have my brain fried. I just hope that my field supervisor doesn't feel like I need to change anything. My site supervisor is being very supportive in journey to be a principal and I thank God for that! Please feel free to comment on my action research plan and my research project overview. I would appreciate any suggestions!

Action Planning Template
Goal: Implement and promote Project Wisdom and determine whether there is a positive correlation between school climate, student empowerment/self-esteem, student grades and home life and the use of an anti-bullying program.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Meet with site supervisor to discuss implementation of anti-bullying program as an improvement of school climate, student empowerment/self-esteem, student grades and home life.
Diana Celeste Salinas
January 7, 2013
Action Research Topic and Plan
Review anti-bullying programs and outcomes of implementation.
Literature review on bullying.
Diana Celeste Salinas
January – September 2013
Lamar Online Library
Input from ECISD administrators.
Identify and review resources and literature that highlight the importance of implementing anti-bullying programs.
Conduct teacher surveys on perceptions of bullying and the need for an anti-bullying program.
Diana Celeste Salinas
February 2013 – March 2013
24 teachers (4 teachers per grade level – Kinder, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th)
Questionnaire on Bullying
Review surveys and identify differences between lower and upper grades.
Conduct parent/student surveys on perception of bullying in schools and the need for an anti-bullying program.
Diana Celeste Salinas
February 2013 – March 2013
All parents and students will be given a survey and given a week to return surveys.
Questionnaire on Bullying
Review surveys and identify differences between parents of lower grade students and upper grade students.
Review student  surveys and identify differences between lower grades and upper grades.
Conduct in depth interviews with a teacher from each grade level.
Diana Celeste Salinas
April 2013
Voice Recorder
Interview Questions
Notebook- written notes
Voice to test tool. Will transfer oral interview into written document. Anecdotal evidence will be collected and compared with exit interview data to determine the impact of Project Wisdom.
Conduct in depth interviews with Site-based decision committee and PTO.
Diana Celeste Salinas
April 2013
Voice Recorder
Interview Questions
Notebook- written notes
Voice to test tool. Will transfer oral interview into written document. Anecdotal evidence will be collected and compared with exit interview data to determine the impact of Project Wisdom.
Establish a baseline of student performance in the classroom and student behavioral referrals sent to the office before Project Wisdom.
Diana Celeste Salinas
March 2013
Student six weeks grades
Student benchmark scores
Behavioral reports from 2012 and 2013
Comparison charts
Meet with teachers and parents bi-monthly to provide them with Project Wisdom lessons so they can review with children.
Diana Celeste Salinas
January 2013 – September 2013
Project Wisdom lesson presentation and explanation.
Question and Answer
Response to questions from teachers and parents.
Meet with site supervisor to discuss how research findings can improve campus environment, student self-esteem, student grades and home life through continued improvement and enhancement of Project Wisdom.
Diana Celeste Salinas
October 2013
Action Research Artifacts/Results
Literature Review
Feedback from site supervisor.
Share project findings with administration, teachers, parents and students.
Diana Celeste Salinas
November 2013
Action Research Artifacts/Results
Power Point
School Website
Educational Blog
Collect and review evaluation form on presentation.
Revisit my action research plan, post on school website and educational blog for continual improvement and ideas.
Diana Celeste Salinas
December 2013
Action Research Artifacts/Results
Power Point
School Website
Educational Blog
Review comments and feedback from site supervisor, parents, teachers, and students.


Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools

(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010) 
Action Research Project Process Overview
  1. Setting the Foundation
Through collaboration with my site supervisor, it was determined that school climate and student empowerment was a challenge worth trying to conquer. It was noted that student performance could be improved through implementation of an anti-bullying program. After discussing several other topics such as the Promethean Board, RTI, and Inclusion, we settled on the issue of bullying. Thus the question: Will the implementation of an anti-bullying program, Project Wisdom, improve school climate and promote and empower all students and what impact would it have on student grades, self-esteem and home life?
  1. Analyzing Data
Data will be collected from various sources regarding anti-bullying program implementations. Research indicates that the Project Wisdom program may be an effective method to use for the action research topic. Evaluation of this data will be utilized to gain further insight and develop a plan for future reference.
  1. Develop a Deeper Understanding
Collected data will incorporate all stakeholders in the process. Anecdotal evidence has been gathered from the principal, teachers, students and parents indicating the need for support in the area of school climate and student empowerment through an anti-bullying program. In addition to reviewing applicable readings, questionnaires, interviews and surveys, reflection of the materials collected will help to gain an extended understanding of the effective, essential and qualitative nature of an anti-bullying program for all students.
  1. Engaging in Self-Reflection
I have the skills and resources as well as the support of my site supervisor to conduct this research. I also have the support of the teachers and parents in this project. The need for self-reflection will be vital to evaluating and addressing further needs, changes and considerations in my action research project.
  1. Exploring Programmatic Patterns
As I begin to assemble the data I will continue to work and engage my site supervisor in identifying and changing processes as needed. One of the pitfalls I have identified is that I have not been trained on the delivery of Project Wisdom lessons. Another pitfall is that the library is not stocked with many of the resources listed on the Project Wisdom curriculum. Finally, my feeling is that the counselor is more qualified and better equipped to implement the anti-bullying program.
  1. Determining Direction
I believe that plan I have established is appropriate for the identified action research inquiry and that the processes to collect data are workable and feasible. I am confident that I can conduct the action research plan as written. I need to be considerate and flexible regarding timelines and stakeholders willingness to participate and adjust my plan accordingly with the assistance of my site supervisor.
  1. Taking Action for School Improvement
Utilizing my written action plan I will begin addressing the steps to gathering the information I have outlined. Stakeholders will be identified and used in the process to gather the needed information. I will confer regularly with my site supervisor to inform and collaborate throughout the data collection process. A summative report will finalize the results of my action research plan.
Please see Tool 7.1 Action Planning Template (in Part 2 of this week’s assignment) for my proposed activities and evaluative methods.
  1. Sustaining Improvement
Results of this research will be shared with my principal. I will also collaborate with principal to determine the implications of this research on school climate and students empowerment and if and how it impacted student grades, self-esteem and home life. Additionally, I will post the results of my project on my blog and invite others to comment.






  1. Diana, I think this is an excellent topic! An anti-bullying program would definetly bring lots of benefits to the students and campus as a whole. I'm looking forward to following your research and seeing the impact of Project Wisdom. We currently use the Olweus Program for anti-bullying lessons and student empowerment, so I'm interested in comparing your program to ours! Best of luck!

  2. Your action research plan addresses a great need in our schools. It is well organized and easy to follow. Please clarify something for me as I am not familiar with this program. How will you show data at the end of the 9 month period of implementation to see if the program improved campus environment, student self-esteem, student grades, and home life? Is it only with questionnaires? Will you use the same baseline you established prior to the implementation of Project Wisdom?)

    I see that parents and teachers will be given Project Wisdom lesson to review with children. Will it be necessary to monitor how the program is implemented? Can that affect your data?
    I can easily see how your plan can be the vehicle by which other campuses choose to implement Project Wisdom.

  3. Thank you ladies for commenting and giving me something to think about. Sheila,I'm going to look into the Olweus Program thank you for sharing that info with me. Yolanda, I will be looking at the surveys turned in by teachers, parents and students, also I will be looking at grades, class behavior, and bi-monthly meetings with parents and teachers. Since I will be the person responsible for the implementation and delivery of the Project Wisdom lessons I will have a first hand look at student journals and reaction and response to the lessons. Thanks again!

  4. Diana, I think this is great topic but also a very needed topic. Bullying is an issue in almost all districts I would imagine. I know it is a big topic of discussion in my district. I think the climate of the school makes a big difference on how a student will act socially. In my school we do not have an anti bullying program actually put into place but our school wide expectations that we state everyday is "Be safe, be respectful and be responsible". Our kids are always involved with other students and programs in our school and I can see a clear of our expectations in the behaviors of our kids. Hope this might help. Good Luck.

  5. Thank you Chris for your comment! I'm going to have to borrow that phrase for my school. Hope you don't mind. I can see that the expectations are clear just by the use of that phrase. It's straight forward and to the point. I agree with you as far as school climate but I also feel that we need to have our parents on board because they play a big part in how their children behave at school. Boundaries and expectations need to be set and they need to be clear with consequences to go along with them. Thanks again Chris!

  6. Very specific and detailed. I like how it was simple, but thorough. How will data be shown? Love how you are sharing. Good job!

  7. Hello Diana! I agree that an anti bullying stance in schools is extremely important. Boosting understanding of exactly what constitutes bullying and including the parents, students, and teachers is a great way to raise awareness and curb unwanted behaviors. I do have to ask though, is Project Wisdom an anti-bullying program? And what is a PTO? Good luck to you!

  8. Yes Tammy Project Wisdom is an anti-bullying program and PTO stands for Parent Teacher Organization. Thank you for your comments! Much appreciated!!!
