
Saturday, March 23, 2013

Agreed upon Action Research Plan

My site supervisor has repeatedly assured me of her support and reiterated the importance of my action research topic. I expressed my interest in getting my Master’s in Educational Leadership since last year and she was the one who told me to go with Lamar University. She and I have discussed my journey and since day one we knew what I would be working on for my action research. We both felt then and now that my action research topic will be beneficial for me, my colleagues, our parents, and most importantly, all our students. By focusing my action research on the effectiveness of the implementation of, Project Wisdom, an anti-bullying program and its’ effects on school climate, student empowerment, grades and home life, I will be making a difference in our school and in our students.

My supervisor and I discussed time constraints, data collection, teacher, parent and student involvement and how I would accomplish everything that I needed to do considering that I had many other responsibilities. Mrs. Martinez encouraged me to “go above and beyond the call of duty,” because she felt that I was a role model for a lot of students. She believes in me and my vision for a “positive, safe, empowering school and home for all!” I truly believe that my experiences with abuse, bullying and most importantly, success, I will make an impact in students’ lives and in our campus.

I began my action research in January, with my supervisor’s approval and with the help of the curriculum assistant and the counselor, so that I could get ahead of the game. Everyone is being very helpful! My students, their parents and my colleagues know how important this endeavor is to me, so they are all being supportive, helpful and responsible with bringing in the surveys and questionnaires.
As a result of the collaboration between my supervisor and me, no changes were made to my action research plan. I did explain that I would keep her informed about any changes or concerns throughout my research. She was impressed with how thorough my action research plan looked and how I planned to collect and analyze the data. She appreciates my resolve and commitment to making our school better for all students.

Action Planning Template
Goal: Implement and promote Project Wisdom and determine whether there is a positive correlation between school climate, student empowerment/self-esteem, student grades and home life and the use of an anti-bullying program.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Meet with site supervisor to discuss implementation of anti-bullying program as an improvement of school climate, student empowerment/self-esteem, student grades and home life.
Diana Celeste Salinas
January 7, 2013
Action Research Topic and Plan
Review anti-bullying programs and outcomes of implementation.
Literature review on bullying.
Diana Celeste Salinas
January – September 2013
Lamar Online Library
Input from ECISD administrators.
Identify and review resources and literature that highlight the importance of implementing anti-bullying programs.
Conduct teacher surveys on perceptions of bullying and the need for an anti-bullying program.
Diana Celeste Salinas
February 2013 – March 2013
24 teachers (4 teachers per grade level – Kinder, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th)
Questionnaire on Bullying
Review surveys and identify differences between lower and upper grades.
Conduct parent/student surveys on perception of bullying in schools and the need for an anti-bullying program.
Diana Celeste Salinas
February 2013 – March 2013
All parents and students will be given a survey and given a week to return surveys.
Questionnaire on Bullying
Review surveys and identify differences between parents of lower grade students and upper grade students.
Review student  surveys and identify differences between lower grades and upper grades.
Conduct in depth interviews with a teacher from each grade level.
Diana Celeste Salinas
April 2013
Voice Recorder
Interview Questions
Notebook- written notes
Voice to test tool. Will transfer oral interview into written document. Anecdotal evidence will be collected and compared with exit interview data to determine the impact of Project Wisdom.
Conduct in depth interviews with Site-based decision committee and PTO.
Diana Celeste Salinas
April 2013
Voice Recorder
Interview Questions
Notebook- written notes
Voice to test tool. Will transfer oral interview into written document. Anecdotal evidence will be collected and compared with exit interview data to determine the impact of Project Wisdom.
Establish a baseline of student performance in the classroom and student behavioral referrals sent to the office before Project Wisdom.
Diana Celeste Salinas
March 2013
Student six weeks grades
Student benchmark scores
Behavioral reports from 2012 and 2013
Comparison charts
Meet with teachers and parents bi-monthly to provide them with Project Wisdom lessons so they can review with children.
Diana Celeste Salinas
January 2013 – September 2013
Project Wisdom lesson presentation and explanation.
Question and Answer
Response to questions from teachers and parents.
Meet with site supervisor to discuss how research findings can improve campus environment, student self-esteem, student grades and home life through continued improvement and enhancement of Project Wisdom.
Diana Celeste Salinas
October 2013
Action Research Artifacts/Results
Literature Review
Feedback from site supervisor.
Share project findings with administration, teachers, parents and students.
Diana Celeste Salinas
November 2013
Action Research Artifacts/Results
Power Point
School Website
Educational Blog
Collect and review evaluation form on presentation.
Revisit my action research plan, post on school website and educational blog for continual improvement and ideas.
Diana Celeste Salinas
December 2013
Action Research Artifacts/Results
Power Point
School Website
Educational Blog
Review comments and feedback from site supervisor, parents, teachers, and students.



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