
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Action Research Plan in the Making

After talking to the Curriculum Assistant, I think that my action research topic is going to be on bullying. Since I have been assigned to implement, the anti-bullying program, Project Wisdom, it should be a topic I have background knowledge on, access to student and parental contact for surveys and teacher input. Addressing student needs by working on character building will benefit all stakeholders. Parents will notice a greater self-esteem in their child, teachers will notice less classroom management issues and students will be more positive and empathetic towards their Flores/Zapata family. Happier students, teachers, administrators and parents will lead to a more positive school climate!


  1. I think that is a great action research plan, and I wish you the very best. Coming up with solutions for bullying is a very worth while endeavor. I very much agree that happier students, parents, and teachers make a much better climate. I will be excited to follow your progress.

  2. This sounds like a wonderful idea. I know bullying has become an epidemic at so many schools. Sadly it affects all ages and all grade levels. I would love to hear more about Project Wisdom and how you plan on implementing it at your school. Currently, the campus I teach at does not have a specific program to target bullying. We have a general character education program for 2nd and 3rd grade but I really think this is a definite need at our campus. Good luck with your project.
