
Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Action Research Plan in the Making

After talking to the Curriculum Assistant, I think that my action research topic is going to be on bullying. Since I have been assigned to implement, the anti-bullying program, Project Wisdom, it should be a topic I have background knowledge on, access to student and parental contact for surveys and teacher input. Addressing student needs by working on character building will benefit all stakeholders. Parents will notice a greater self-esteem in their child, teachers will notice less classroom management issues and students will be more positive and empathetic towards their Flores/Zapata family. Happier students, teachers, administrators and parents will lead to a more positive school climate!

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Creating my blog page has been both difficult and fun! The difficult part is deciding on an action research plan that will guide my action research project and the fun part has been the creative and learning aspect. I hope to learn from everyone who joins my blog and would greatly appreciate any comments or suggestions. Good luck to everyone and here's to another great collaborative experience!